The eyes have it. That's all I needed to paint for anyone to know who is iconic woman is.
If you are interested in purchasing this oil painting, it is available for $700.00 framed and measures 30 x 15. Please click on the "Buy Now" button below or email me for purchasing information. Shipping is extra depending on your location. Please email me for details.
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Custom Artwork by Barb Benstein
Commissioned paintings of people, pets, homes, cars and landscapes to name a few created in your choice of several mediums: oil on canvas, pastels on sandpaper and graphite (pencil). Interested people can go to my website @ for a commission of your favorite person or pet, etc.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Bay Stallion
Horses are my favorite subject to paint. I did this oil painting pretty much from my head. It helps to have a deep knowledge for how this majestic animal is built.
If you are interested in purchasing this painting, it is available for $500.00 framed and measures 20 x 24. Please click on the "Buy Now" button below, or email me for purchasing details. Shipping is extra depending on your location. Please email me for details.
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If you are interested in purchasing this painting, it is available for $500.00 framed and measures 20 x 24. Please click on the "Buy Now" button below, or email me for purchasing details. Shipping is extra depending on your location. Please email me for details.
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I absolutely love the setting in this oil painting. The mare, Belle, couldn't of been more perfectly posed in front of the fence. The play of sunlight on her back along with the cool shadows on her body make for a beautiful painting.
Misty Heather Running Free
Here is yet another painting of my mare, Misty Heather. I painted this pastel shortly after she passed away at 28 years young! The last 6 months of her life, she had arthritis in her front knees pretty bad, so she couldn't trot or even run any more. She is now, in this painting.
If you would like to purchase this painting, it is available for $250.00 framed and measures 14 x 18. Please click on the "Buy Now" button below or email me for purchasing details. Shipping is extra depending on your location. Please email me for details.
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If you would like to purchase this painting, it is available for $250.00 framed and measures 14 x 18. Please click on the "Buy Now" button below or email me for purchasing details. Shipping is extra depending on your location. Please email me for details.
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Misty Heather
My mare, Misty Heather. I've done many paintings of her over the years and it never gets old. This latest one done in oil is a looser, more impressionistic style. If you would like to purchase this painting, it is available for $400.00 framed and measures 16 x 20. Please click on the "Buy Now" button below or email me for purchasing details. Shipping is extra depending on your location. Please email me for details.
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The eye of the tiger! It feels like his eyes follow you around the room. Love it!
If you would like to purchase this painting, it is available for $250.00 framed and measures 14 x 18. Please click on the "Buy Now" button below or email me for purchasing details. Shipping is extra depending on your location. Please email me for details.
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Grand Tetons
I love the grandeur of the Grand Tetons! I want to step right into this painting and experience the scenery!
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